Disclosure in the UK is governed by the FCA’s rules, BIPRU chapter 11. The remuneration disclosures describe the Group’s remuneration practices and provide details of the remuneration of senior managers and material risk takers. 5 severance payments awarded in previous periods, that have been paid … The Pillar 3 disclosures relate to M&GG, which is subject to supervision by the FCA on a consolidated basis in accordance with BIRPU 8.5.1. • Operational risk comprises risks such as trading errors, breach of Clients’ investment This document is designed to meet the Firm’s Pillar 3 obligations. The Pillar 3 disclosure document has been prepared by EMK Capial LLP (‘The Firm’) in accordance with the requirements of BIPRU 11. Local Stock Information; ADR; Regulatory Disclosure; Complaints; Conflicts of Interest; UK Stewardship Code (2020) Disclosure Statement; Pillar 3 and Remuneration Disclosure; Code of Conduct; Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement; ESG Policy Statement; Sustainability Risk Policy – Disclosure Statement; Cookie Policy & Control; Sitemap disclosures based on the third pillar of Basel III (Pillar 3). Additionally, the Remuneration Committees oversee the development and implementation of the remuneration policies of GSI and GSIB, and review remuneration-related information during the year, includingan annual compensation-related risk assessment, an overview of the firm’s remuneration programme and structure, and certain … disclosure made, on the basis of points (g) and (h)(v)-(vi) of article 450 (1) crr, to clearly state whether the aggregate quantitative information on remuneration broken down by business area reflects the bonus cap when new sign-on and severance payments are involved. Basel III includes three complementary pillars: The Firm's Pillar 3 reports for JPMorgan Chase & Co. and certain non-U.S. legal entities are contained below. The Pillar 3 disclosure of East Lodge Capital Partners LLP (“East Lodge” or the “Firm” ) is set out below. Part Eight of the CRR (Articles 431-455) define the provisions for Pillar 3 disclosure. The Firm's Pillar 3 disclosure fulfils the Firm's obligation to disclose to market participants key pieces of information on the Firm's capital, risk exposures and risk assessment processes. Ropemaker Place, Level 12 25 Ropemaker Street London EC2Y 9LY. 01/07/2014. Remuneration Code . December 2019 | Pillar 3 Disclosures 4 . The Firm is a full scope Alternative Investment Fund Manager (“AIFM”) able to provide discretionary Here you can find documents showing our financial performance, both interim and annual reports, capital & risk reports as well as other regulatory reports over the past decade. Pillar 3 disclosures are approved by the Board, which has verified that they are consistent with formal policies ING Group appendices Additional Pillar 3 Disclosures 2021 (XLS 0,5 MB) ... Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR) 2021 Remuneration Disclosure ING Bank N.V. (PDF 0,2 MB) 2021 Technical appendix – GRI/ SASB, Environmental Programme and UNEP FI PRB (PDF 0,3 MB) Global systemically important banks indicators 2021 (PDF 0,3 MB) Printed copy Remuneration rr Financial Statements and Reports ... You can view the Pillar III or Pillar III Public Disclosure here. Download PDF; Cumplimiento del Art. Informativa ex 'Terzo Pilastro' - Basilea 3 12_2019 2020. We are permitted to omit required disclosures if we believe that the information is immaterial such that omission would be unlikely to change or influence the decision of a reader … Pillar 3 requirements. e Description of the ways in which the institution seeks to link performance during a performance measurement period with levels of remuneration. New York. Pillar 3 obligations. Risk management policies and objectives 7 3. Basel III Pillar 3 Annual Remuneration Disclosures as at 30 June 2021 The following remuneration disclosures are provided by Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Limited (“Bank”) 1 in accordance with the requirements of the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority’s Prudential Standard APS 330: Public Disclosure. Pillar 3 disclosures will be issued on an annual basis after the year end and published as soon as practical with the annual accounts. FY 2021 . Remuneration Policy; Shareholders; Financial Information. The Pillar 3 disclosure document has been prepared by FitzWalter in accordance with the requirements of BIPRU 11 and is verified by the Board of Directors . The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) is a committee of banking supervisory authorities that was established by the central bank governors of the Group of Ten countries in 1974. CBUAE/BSD/N/2020/4980 dated November 2020 and CBUAE/BSD/N/2021/5508 dated November 2021 on the implementation of Pillar 3 standards. Basel Pillar 3 & U.S. LCR Disclosures. This document is designed to meet our Pillar 3 obligations under Part Eight of the CRR (articles 431-455). Pillar 3 disclosures for the European bank and its only subsidiary, BNY Mellon Service Kapitalanlage-Gesellschaft mbH (‘BNY Mellon KAG’), are published at a fully consolidated level. • Operational risk comprises risks such as trading errors, breach of Clients’ investment ... Total Variable remuneration 3 1 1 5. Pillar 3 disclosures required by the United Kingdom Regulators. Pillar 3 disclosure fulfils the Firm’s obligation to disclose key information on its capital, risk exposures and risk assessment processes, and its remuneration arrangements. Pillar 3 disclosures: Capital and Risk Management Pillar 3 Disclosures at 31 December 2021. It is … Pillar 3 & Remuneration Code Disclosure 31. st. December 2017 . PILLAR 3 DISCLOSURE The Firm is authorised and regulated by the Financial onduct Authority (the “FA”). Basel Pillar 3 & U.S. LCR Disclosures. Pillar 3 Disclosures 2019 Remuneration 4 The MRT population is subject to scrutinised compensation structuring rules. In an effort to continue to strengthen the risk management frameworks and further enhance long term stability within banking organizations, the Basel Committee for Banking Supervision (BCBS) introduced a set of regulatory guidelines known as Basel III. The Pillar 3 disclosure document has been prepared by Ancala Partners LLP (‘Ancala’ or the ‘Firm’) in accordance with the requirements of BIPRU 11 and is verified by the senior management. This Remuneration Policy is also published on our website. Stewardship Code - MCAP Global Finance (UK) LLP The Financial onduct Authority’s onduct of usiness Sourcebook, COBS 2.2B SRD requirements and 2.2.3R Disclosure in the UK is governed by the FCA’s rules, BIPRU chapter 11. The Pillar 3 disclosure will be reviewed on an annual basis as a minimum. The CRR set out the provisions for Pillar 3 disclosure. BTV Informativa ex 'Terzo Pilastro' - Basilea 12_2020 04/21. ... Archive. requirement is in addition to the Pillar 1 requirement. Institutions will be familiar with the majority of data required for the initial CRR 2 Pillar 3 disclosure requirements from June 2021 however future requirements, including the ECB Guide on climate-related and environmental risks 1 and EBA draft Unless otherwise stated, all figures are as at the 31 March 2021 financial year end. • Pillar 3 requires disclosure of specified information about the underlying risk management controls and capital position to encourage market discipline. Disclosure Statements Bluebell has prepared this document as at 31 December 2020, which is the financial year end. The long-term performance measures (deferral, malus, clawback – paragraph 91) The types of remuneration (cash/equity, fixed/variable – paragraph 92) The structure and content of the disclosure requirements also take account of the considerations listed in the FSB’s Implementation Standard 15 on disclosure. Introduction 4 2. Unless otherwise stated, all figures are as at the The Pillar 3 disclosures are not subject to audit and are provided solely in satisfaction of PVUK’s regulatory requirements. These Guidelines represent a significant step forward in the EBA’s effort of improving and enhancing the consistency and comparability of institutions’ regulatory … PILLAR 3 AND REMUNERATION DISCLOSURE – AUGUST 2017 Marylebone Partners LLP (the “Firm”) Pillar 3 disclosure fulfils the Firm’s obligation to disclose key information on its capital, risk exposures and risk assessment processes, and its remuneration arrangements. May 2022 . Unless otherwise stated, all figures are as at 31 December 2020. 1.2 In accordance with the requirements laid out in BIPRU chapter 11 the disclosures contained in State Street in the UK Pillar 3 Disclosure - Remuneration Information Classification: Limited Access 1 The following forms State Street’s UK Pillar 3 disclosure under BIPRU 11.5.18R in respect of 2014. Disclosures shall include: 3 of 4 Pictet Asset Management Limited Pillar 3 remuneration disclosure The Company’s Remuneration Policy is reviewed on at least an annual basis, or whenever there has been a significant change to the business activities of the Company, which may require an amendment to its Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process. Pillar 3 and Remuneration Disclosure The Firm has identified the following relevant risks: • Business risk includes insufficient assets under management, the loss of key staff and the failure of the Firm’s control infrastructure. Pillar 2 requires the Firm to assess whether its Pillar 1 capital is adequate to meet its risks and is subject to annual review by the FCA (the ICAAP as set out below); and; Pillar 3 requires disclosure of specified information about the underlying risk … The Firm’s Pillar 3 disclosure fulfils the Firm’s obligation to disclose to market participants’ key pieces of information on a firm’s capital, risk exposures and risk assessment processes. Pillar 3 Disclosures - E.U. MUFG Securities Pillar 3 Disclosures. 20th Floor 575 Fifth Avenue New York NY 10017. Pillar 3 – which requires firms to publish certain details of its risks, capital and risk management process. This document is designed to meet the Firm’s Pillar 3 obligations. It hosts managers under its regulatory license. The rules in BIPRU 11 set out the provision for Pillar 3 disclosure. These disclosures have been approved by the relevant governance bodies as ... process, including the remuneration policy. The Committee's proposed Pillar 3 disclosure requirements on remuneration add greater specificity to the disclosure guidance on this topic that was included in the supplemental Pillar 2 guidance issued by the Committee in July 2009. Annual remuneration disclosures as at 31 December 2021; Annual remuneration disclosures as at 31 December 2020 CRD has been implemented in All members of staff are responsible for identifying any current or emerging risks. The European Banking Authority (EBA) published today its final Guidelines on regulatory disclosure requirements following an update of the Pillar 3 requirements by the Basel Committee in January 2015. The proposals cover the main components of sound remuneration practices and take full account of the Financial Stability … Pillar Ⅲ Disclosure; Financial Information. This is the Pillar 3 disclosure made in accordance with the UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) Prudential Sourcebook for Banks, Building Societies and Investment Firms (‘BIPRU’). The European Capital Requirements Directive (CRD) created a regulatory capital framework consisting of three ‘pillars’ namely; The regulatory aim of the disclosure is to improve market discipline. Pillar 3 Disclosures 31 December 2021 Lloyds Banking Group 2021 Year-End Pillar 3 Disclosures Page 1 of 156. Pillar 3, Stewardship Code and Remuneration Disclosure. RBSI Depository Services (Lux) Remuneration Disclosure 149 Appendix 1 - CRR roadmap 152 Forward looking statements ... We confirm that the 2021 Pillar 3 Report meets the relevant requirements for Pillar 3 disclosures and has been prepared in … Capital and Risk Management Pillar 3 Disclosures Year ended 31 March 2022 PILLAR 3 DISCLOSURE. ... EU Remuneration Disclosures . Background. Disclosure Requirement S1-13 – Work-Life Balance indicators 16 Disclosure Requirement S1-14 – Fair remuneration 17 Disclosure Requirement S1-15 – Social security eligibility coverage 17 Equal opportunities 17 Disclosure Requirement S1-16 – Pay gap between women and men 17 Disclosure Requirement S1-17 – Annual total compensation ratio 18 The AIFMD adds further capital requirements based on the Alternative Investment Fund (“AIF”) assets under management and professional liability risks. Marshall Wace LLP only has one “business area”, namely its asset management business. Basel III includes three complementary pillars: The Firm's Pillar 3 reports for JPMorgan Chase & Co. and certain non-U.S. legal entities are contained below. This document details the Group’s Pillar 3 disclosures as at 31 March 2019. It has been prepared in accordance with BIPRU 11 and provides details on capital, risk exposures, risk assessment processes, capital adequacy and the remuneration policy. Explanation. The final draft ITS put forward comparable disclosures to show how climate change may exacerbate other risks within institutions’ balance sheets, how institutions are mitigating those … This package included proposals aimed at establishing a unified EU classification system of sustainable economic activities ('Taxonomy Regulation'); improving ESG disclosure requirements to facilitate informed investor decision making (‘Disclosure … The Firm ... to the Firm’s business strategy and risks arising from the Firm’s remuneration policy. entities under CRD . We are permitted to omit required disclosures if we believe that the information is immaterial such The European Banking Authority (EBA) published today its final draft implementing technical standards (ITS) on Pillar 3 disclosures on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) risks. Pillar 3, Stewardship Code and Remuneration Disclosure. 2 Contents 1. The Firm is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (the “FCA”). Unless otherwise stated, all figures are as at the Pillar 3 covers the requirement for public disclosure of the firm’s risks, capital and risk management policies. Pillar 3 disclosures are approved by the Board, which has verified that they are consistent with formal policies We are permitted to omit required disclosures if we believe that the information is immaterial such that omission would be unlikely to change or influence the decision of a reader relying on that … CONTENTS Executive summary 4 Key metrics 5 Introduction 7 Disclosure policy 8 Scope of consolidation 9 Risk management 13 The regulatory capital framework 14 Capital management 20 Unless otherwise stated, all figures are as at 31 March 2021. Pillar 3 Disclosures December 2021 | Pillar 3 Disclosures 6 Introduction Overview the date, as the context requires, The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (Group Inc. or parent company), a Delaware corporation, together with its consolidated subsidiaries (collectively, the firm), is a leading View All . Pillar 3 and Remuneration Disclosure The Firm has identified the following relevant risks: • Business risk includes insufficient assets under management, the loss of key staff and the failure of the Firm’s control infrastructure. Pillar 3, Stewardship Code and Remuneration Disclosure. Group, business unit and individual performance drive overall compensation levels. D2 PILLAR 3 – MiFID BIPRU Page 1 Validus Risk Management Limited (the “Firm”) PILLAR 3 AND REMUNERATION DISCLOSURE June 2021 1. 31.03.2022. The committee expanded its membership in 2009 and then again in 2014. In a way of example, where required by the PRA Rulebook or FCA Handbook, variable compensation awarded to MRTs is subject to at least 40% or 60% deferral. Capital resources 15 4. Executive summary 3 2. The Firm is a full scope Alternative Investment Fund Manager (“AIFM”) and categorised as a Collective Portfolio Management … requirement is in addition to the Pillar 1 requirement. 1.2 In accordance with the requirements laid out in BIPRU chapter 11 the disclosures contained in Basel III includes three pillars that address: Capital adequacy. PiIlar 3 Disclosures - EU. AAIBUAE is regulated by the CBUAE and follows the Pillar 3 disclosure requirements as stated under the Notice No. The disclosures address the requirements of APRA Prudential Standard APS 330 Public Disclosure. Investor Presentations; Annual Report; Financial Statements; FACT BOOK; Stock Quotes & Chart. This document is designed to meet Harwood Capital LLP’s (“the Firm”) Pillar 3 obligations under Part Eight of the Capital Requirements Regulation (“CRR”) by setting out the Firm's risk management objectives and policies. A comprehensive look into our financial performance Welcome to our financial statements and reports pages. Background: The Capital Requirements Directive (“CRD”) regulatory capital framework sets out the for Europe based on the provisions of the Basel II Capital Accord. d The ratios between fixed and variable remuneration set in accordance with point (g) of Article 94(1) of Directive 2(EU) 2013/36(“CRD”). U.S. LCR Disclosure - Bank Holding Company. All of the Firm’s relevant staff in respect of whom it is required to make a Pillar 3 remuneration disclosure fall into the “senior management” category. The Pillar 3 disclosure document has been prepared by Eisler in accordance with the requirements of BIPRU 11 and is verified by senior management. The Firm is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (the “FCA”). Unless otherwise stated, all figures are as at the 31 March 2021 financial year end. Pillar 3 disclosure made in accordance with the UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) Prudential Sourcebook for Banks, Download PDF; Excel Tables and Annexes; Digital Report; Annual. Their stated intention is to " allow market participants to assess the quality of the compensation practices and the quality of support for a firm's strategy and risk posture. " 31 March 2022 Pillar 3 Report – UBS Group and significant regulated subsidiaries and sub-groups (published April 26, 2022) Background and rationale 4 2.1 New banking regulatory package 5 2.2 Integration of Pillar 3 disclosure requirements with supervisory reporting 6 2.3 Proportionality in Pillar 3 disclosures 7 2.4 Templates and tables: use of fixed and flexible formats 8 2.5 Other general considerations 8 2.6 Disclosure topic by topic 9 East Lodgemakes Pillar 3 disclosures annually , via its website. London. 2 Pillar 3 disclosure requirements for remuneration. PILLAR 3 DISCLOSURE . Basel Pillar 3 Disclosures :: Bank of America Corporation … The Corporate Governance disclosures set out in Sections 3.2 are correct as at the date of approval of the Bank’s Annual Report & Financial Statements, 6 July 2021. PILLAR 3 REMUNERATION DISCLOSURE DECEMBER 2013 STATE STREET TRUST COMPANY CANADA PAGE 3 of 7 GENERAL December 2013 There are five key principles that define the compensation strategy: An emphasis on total compensation. >3Q 2021 update 25 Oct 2021. The Firm does not hold client money or assets. ... Remuneration policy. Polen Capital UK LLP (“Polen Capital UK” or “Polen” or the “Firm”) The Capital Requirements Directive (“CRD”) and of the European Union establish a revised regulatory capital framework across Europe governing the amount and nature of capital credit institutions and Pillar 3 Disclosures December 2021 | Pillar 3 Disclosures 6 Introduction Overview the date, as the context requires, The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (Group Inc. or parent company), a Delaware corporation, together with its consolidated subsidiaries (collectively, the firm), is a leading Basel III Pillar 3 Disclosures. 2 Coventry Building Society Pillar 3 Disclosures 2021 Contents 1. Pillar 3 requires disclosure of specified information about the underlying risk management controls, capital position and remuneration. Pillar 3. The Pillar 3 disclosure on risk management and capital adequacy for Avellemy Limited (“Avellemy”, “the firm”) as at 31 December 2020. The Pillar 3 disclosure document has been prepared by Wimmer Family Office, "The Firm" in accordance with the requirements of BIPRU 11 and is verified by senior management. BIPRU 11 : Disclosure (Pillar 3) Section 11.3 : Disclosures: Information to be disclosed; Frequency, media and location of disclosures; Verification 11 11.3.5 R 11.3.6 R 11.3.7 R 11.3.8 R 11.3.9 R BIPRU 11/6 www.handbook.fca.org.uk Release 14 Dec 2021 asked. Pillar 3 and Remuneration Disclosure. The Pillar 3 disclosure document has been prepared by Ancala Partners LLP (‘Ancala’ or the ‘Firm’) in accordance with the requirements of BIPRU 11 and is verified by the senior management. Polen Capital UK LLP (“Polen Capital UK” or “Polen” or the “Firm”) The Capital Requirements Directive (“CRD”) and of the European Union establish a revised regulatory capital framework across Europe governing the amount and nature of capital credit institutions and PILLAR III DISCLOSURES According to Part Six of Regulation (EU) 2019/2033 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the prudential requirements of investment firms YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2021 April 2022 . 89, Directiva 2013/36/UE. The Capital Requirements Directive (‘CRD’) and Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (‘UCITs’) Directive of the European Union establish a revised regulatory capital framework across Europe governing the amount and … Basel III is a global regulatory capital and liquidity framework established by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision ("Basel Committee"). Cherry106_Pillar-3-2020 05/21. A pay-for-performance philosophy. Risk management framework and governance 3 Pillar 2 and ICAAP 6 Remuneration Code Disclosure 6. BIPRU 11.5.18R (1) “Information concerning the decision-making process used for determining the remuneration policy, including Pillar 3 Disclosures. Bluebell has been classified as a MIFID investment manager by the FCA. REM5: Information on remuneration of staff whose professional activities have a material impact on institutions risk profile (identified staff) 123 LI3: Outline of the differences between the accounting and regulatory scopes of consolidation 124 Lloyds Bank plc 2021 Year-End Pillar 3 Disclosures Page 2 of 135 2021 Pillar 3 Disclosure (June) 2020 Pillar 3 Disclosure (December) 2020 Pillar 3 Disclosure (June) 2019 Pillar 3 Disclosure (December) 2019 Pillar 3 Disclosure (June) 2018 Pillar 3 Disclosure (December) 2018 Pillar 3 Disclosure (June) The Pillar 3 disclosure document has been prepared by FitzWalter in accordance with the requirements of BIPRU 11 and is verified by the Board of Directors . PILLAR 3, STEWARDSHIP CODE AND REMUNERATION DISCLOSURE. Pillar 3 requires disclosure of specified information about the underlying risk management controls and capital position to encourage market discipline. ... Remuneration Code Disclosure The Firm is authorised and regulated by the FCA as a CPMI (Collective Portfolio Management Investment firm) and therefore is subject to the FCA rules on remuneration under AIFMD. The administrative costs of the explanation have to be at an The purpose of Pillar 3 disclosures is to provide information about banking institutions’ risk management practices and regulatory capital ratios. Show all files Some files are hidden. Basel III Pillar 3 remuneration disclosures. Additional relevant information can be pillar 1 requirements and further determine whether it should apply additional capital, processes, strategies or systems to cover any other risks that it may be exposed to; and • Pillar 3 requires disclosure of specified information about the underlying risk management controls and capital position to encourage market discipline. Where you use a web-site to make public your pillar 3 disclosures, there is an expectation that you will also include your remuneration disclosure there. • Remuneration disclosures (section 13) 1.3 Basis and Frequency of Disclosures In accordance with Part 8 of the CRR, these disclosures are based on 31 March 2021 year end data. Pillar III Disclosures Report 2021 AMP Bank Limited is required under APRA Prudential Standard APS 330 Public Disclosure (Attachment G) to disclose annually the remuneration of its senior managers and material risk-takers. Remuneration The following Pillar 3 disclosure on remuneration is made for the year ended 31 December 2020 (the “Performance Period”). Our offices. “The Basel Committee in consultation with the FSB should consider incorporating disclosure requirements for compensation into Pillar 3 of Basel II, to add greater specificity to the current requirements for compensation disclosure under Pillar 2, by the end of 2010.” All our Pillar 3 disclosures should be read in conjunction with our annual and quarterly reports. May 2022 . ... BBVA G-SIBs disclosure December 2013. Show all files. Basel III is a global regulatory capital and liquidity framework established by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision ("Basel Committee"). these disclosures are made in accordance with article 450 of the capital requirements regulation, the basel committee on banking supervision (bcbs) pillar 3 disclosure requirements standard and the eba’s s guidelines on sound remuneration policies under articles 74(3) and 75(2) of directive 2013/36/eu and disclosures under article 450 of … the Pillar 3 regulatory framework across Europe and provide challenges to firms in this context. The rules in BIPRU 11 set out the provision for Pillar 3 disclosure. Pillar 3 Disclosures. 3 of 4 Pictet Asset Management Limited Pillar 3 remuneration disclosure The Company’s Remuneration Policy is reviewed on at least an annual basis, or whenever there has been a significant change to the business activities of the Company, which may require an amendment to its Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process. The Firm’s Pillar 3 disclosure fulfils the Firm’s obligation to disclose to market participants’ key pieces of information on a firm’s capital, risk exposures and risk assessment processes. In July 2011, the BCBS published its proposed Pillar 3 disclosure requirements (the "Requirements") for remuneration. US LCR Disclosure - BHC. The remuneration policies were reviewed during the year and were judged to continue to be appropriate and had been implemented throughout the period. Remuneration Our climate strategy Back; Our climate strategy ... Add to download basket Add Pillar 3 Disclosures at 30 September 2021 - Chinese to download basket. The AIFMD adds further capital requirements based on the Alternative Investment Fund (“AIF”) assets This document is designed to satisfy these requirements an … The aim of Pillar 3 is to produce disclosures that allow market participants to assess the scope of application by banks of the Basel framework and the rules in their jurisdiction, their capital condition, risk exposures and risk management processes, and hence their capital adequacy. Pillar 3 covers the requirement for public disclosure of the firm’s risks, capital and risk management policies. Pillar 3 disclosures will be issued on an annual basis af ter the year en d and published under the legal section of our website. information contained in this The disclosure is accurate as at 31 March 2021. Pillar 3 disclosures for the European bank and its only subsidiary, BNY Mellon Service Kapitalanlage-Gesellschaft mbH (‘BNY Mellon KAG’), are published at a fully consolidated level. 31/07/2014. The CRD set out the provision for Pillar 3 disclosure. info@liberum.com +44 (0)20 3100 2000 +44 (0)20 3100 2000. 3 JUPITER PILLAR III DISCLOSURES AS AT 31ST DECEMBER 2020 1.1 Introduction This document sets out the Pillar III disclosures on risk management and capital adequacy for Jupiter Fund Management plc ((“JFM plc”) (“Jupiter” and, together with its direct and indirect subsidiaries, Group”)) as at 31 December 2020. Disclosure Policy The rules in BIPRU 11 provide that the firm may omit one or more of the required disclosures if it believes that the information is immaterial. Annual Report 2020. These Pillar 3 Disclosures will be reviewed on an annual basis as a minimum. PILLAR 3 DISCLOSURE . The disclosures will be published as soon as is practical following the finalisation of the ICAAP and the publication of our annual reports. This is the Pillar 3 disclosure for GWM Asset Management Limited is made in accordance with the UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) Prudential Sourcebook for Banks, Building Societies and Investment Firms (‘BIPRU’). Pillar 3 disclosures will be issued on an annual basis after the year end and published as soon as practical when the audited annual accounts are finalised. Pillar 3 and Remuneration Code Disclosures FCA Register Number: 737512 Mx16 2021-09-07T14:36:58+00:00. Pillar 3 requires disclosure of specified information about the underlying risk management controls and capital position to encourage market discipline. Unless otherwise stated, all figures are as at this date. The Firm's Pillar 3 reports for JPMorgan Chase & Co. and certain non-U.S. legal entities are contained below. On 24 May 2018, the European Commission adopted a package of measures on sustainable finance.

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pillar 3 remuneration disclosure

pillar 3 remuneration disclosure